
Best Practices for Green Boating

Best Practices for Green Boating

What’s in your wake? Have you thought about how your on-water habits might affect others? Have you thought about how what you do and don’t do might affect the lakes and harbors you enjoy so much? 

While it is distressing to come across somebody else’s trash on the water, just because it’s there doesn’t mean all is lost. You can and should do what you can, and the best part is, it’s not only simple, it’s easy. More importantly, it matters.

Stowing vs. Throwing

The world isn’t a trash can, so don’t chuck your trash overboard. It’s one thing if something flies out of the boat accidentally, but even accidental littering can be prevented by simply ensuring all trash is stowed securely. 

Put trash in a container with a lid that closes tightly and won’t come off in a sea breeze or a big swell. Plan ahead by minimizing the amount of potential trash you take with you out on the water. All it takes is a little thought and consideration to plan ahead.

Containment vs. Contamination

It’s a good idea to do all you can to think through your oil change protocols too. Never drain engine oil straight into the bilge. Instead, consider pumping it into a sturdy container that you can also use to transport it to the recycling facility. 

Always clean any spills immediately, whether it’s oil, fuel, or other hazardous materials. The bilge is no place for toxins. And while you’re recycling, make sure that things like batteries, filters, and cleaning products are never tossed overboard but taken to the proper facility for safe handling.

The Three Mile Rule

If your boat is equipped with a head, make sure you’re at least three miles offshore before dumping any raw sewage. It’s best to use onshore sewage dump facilities so that this waste can be properly conditioned at a wastewater treatment facility.

And if you’re dumping your gray water (from sinks and showers), make sure to use biodegradable detergents and minimize the quantity you’re introducing into the environment. 

Ask Boat Dealers for Tips

If you ask boat dealers about best practices for green boating, they’ll be happy to give you a few tips. That way, while you’re checking out the latest Chicago yachts for sale, you can learn how to go boating with a little consideration, not just for those who share the lake but for the lake itself.

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